Friday, July 31, 2020

Kingdom Wars: No Cheat Game Guide (Part 1)

The Basics and the Bosses

this is my no cheat, no hack, no expense guide for playing Kingdom Wars using an Android phone..
Kingdom Wars is like a side-scrolling, tower defense game app..
i'll explain the game from what i think is the most important...

all images which are featured in this particular post are screenshots from my actual game..
i do not own any copyright for the characters and any other design featured in Kingdom Wars, and i'm just using the images for visual support...

Online & Offline

i like this game because you can play it whether you are online or offline...

if you hate advertisements, then going offline will solve that for you..
players do not need internet connection in order to play in the Battle menu...

going online on the other hand is required in order to play PvP and the Weekly Event..
you need to be online to be able to watch advertisements in exchange for FREE Jewels and in enabling the Reward Multiplier..
i believe it is also a requirement to access the Daily Reward...

TIP: whenever i'm online, i try to finish as much level as i can in the Battle menu..
it doesn't matter whether i get a Treasure Item or not, the only goal is to unlock as many levels as i can..
then when i go offline, that's the time when i repeat the levels which i have previously beaten..
i do that in order to hunt for Gold and Legend Treasure Item..
my advice is, don't play the levels with Treasure Chest reward when you are offline, especially if you only have limited amount of Jewels and Golds..
being online will allow you to use the Reward Multiplier so you can get more items from the Treasure Chest...

Save & Load (Gamble or Reload)

these options are located within the gear icon..
in my case, i'm only given 1 chance to save my game and also 1 chance to load my game within the same day..
internet connection is required in order for players to save their game..
i think this is the most helpful feature of this game, because it allows players to choose their preferred progress..
for me, it is useful in conserving the very important Jewels and also in properly utilizing the Powerstones...

what i do is Save the game before i perform something which can greatly affect my overall progress..
like i said, i'm particularly concerned with my use of the Jewels and the Powerstones...

TIP: if the Daily Reward is still active..
always get it first before saving your game..
if ever you choose to Load your saved file after that, it will trigger the Daily Reward once again, making you claim 2 rewards in a single day...

the Jewels most important purpose is for doing Special Summon..
most of the time, i'd only go after the scheduled Super Legend or Legend character for the week..
if i get what i want, then i'll proceed with my game..
but if not, then i'll just Load my previously saved game file...

the same goes for using Powerstones on my characters..
if i get my desired result, then i'll proceed with that enhancement..
but if the value goes below my target, then i'll just Load my previously saved game file...


they are useful in doing Special Summon in order to obtain rare characters, and to make your main characters grow stronger..
but they can also be used in purchasing other stuff within the game..
the good news here is that they can be obtained for FREE..
you can perform some tasks outside of Kingdom Wars and they will give you Jewels in exchange (i never tried this method though)..
or you can just watch advertisements in exchange for 20 Jewels..
plus, you can also get them as reward while playing the game...

TIP: in my case, whenever i'm online, i always watch an advertisement before playing a level in the Battle menu..
and i don't really mind playing (you are not necessarily required to watch) commercials..
in my area, i have encountered advertisements which are as quick as 5 seconds only and others which are as long as a music video (but you can manually end those)..
it seems 15 to 30 seconds is the standard watching time for most of them..
but the game is FREE, so why not let the developers earn from it...

Character Summon

you do this in order to acquire a new character or to upgrade previously obtained characters..
in addition, the Castle upgrade is also available through this method...

TIP: in performing summon, always choose the multiple (x10) method..
it provides a greater chance of obtaining what you need..
and you can always exchange what you have summoned for Gold, in case you think you'll no longer need it...

Special Summon

the Special Summon (x10) costs 3,900 Jewels..
utmost, you can acquire Super Legend or Legend characters through this (depending on what is scheduled for that particular week)..
i believe the 100% guarantee of getting at least 1 Legend character needs online connectivity..
and you can get Rare characters from this method at least (some may also be dependent on the weekly schedule)..
based on my experience, it is possible to get a combination of a Super Legend and a Legend, or 2 Legend(s) when doing a Special Summon (x10)..
i think that is made possible since the cheap Legend(s), Odin Spear and Critical Grace, are not dependent on the weekly schedule and are always available...

Normal Summon

the Normal Summon (x10) costs 800,000 Gold..
you can no longer get a Super Legend or a Legend from this method..
but what is exclusive from this is the Castle upgrade, which is used to improve your Castle related skills..
it is also possible to get Rare characters through this process (even the weekly scheduled Rare characters), although having many of this type of rarity can make the chances of summoning a specific Rare character go lower..
the least that you can obtain from Normal Summon(s) are the Common characters...

Gold & Silver Tickets

these are substitute items that you can use to perform summon(s)..
1 Gold Ticket will allow you to do a Special Summon..
while 1 Silver Ticket will allow you to do a Normal Summon..
the Weekly Event provides an easy way to earn Silver Tickets, while the Gold Tickets are hard to earn for FREE...


they are the units that you can use to engage in battle(s)..
a lot of them have scheduled release, which changes on a weekly basis, i believe it's a rotation format..
in my area, usually the change happens during Monday evening...

currently, there are 61 different characters:
  • 9 Common
  • 12 Rare (from the Jewel section, with 3 requiring you to complete certain achievements)
  • 5 Rare (also from the Jewel section, but only obtainable from Weekly Events)
  • 18 Rare (from the Summon section, most of which have scheduled release, and 1 special which they say is only obtainable by doing the summon when you're offline)
  • 7 Legend (5 which have scheduled release, and 2 which are always available)
  • 9 Super Legend (all of which have scheduled release)
  • 1 Ultra Super Legend (which can only be acquired by summoning 3 recipe Super Legend characters during battle)

TIP: for beginners, inside the Upgrade menu and under the Jewel section, a player is offered with the option to unlock some Rare characters by paying Jewels..
NEVER use your Jewels to unlock those..
just gamble using the Special Summon (x10), that way you'll acquire more powerful characters and all Rare characters will all be eventually unlocked...

Battle Menu

this is the story mode of the game..
you can claim various rewards by beating levels..
currently, each Stage of Kingdom Wars has 75 levels, equally divided into 5 different territories..
with every level 75 being the Boss level...

TIP: always use characters that can do damage to multiple enemies if you have already acquired such..
those with the penetration type of attack are the best...

a funny note here is, every time a character or enemy dies, their funny-looking soul will rise above before they disappear..
and yes, both your characters and the enemies have the same soul appearance...

Event (Weekly Event)

it's a special stage which provides an easy way to earn Rare characters, Jewels, and Silver Tickets..
it requires internet connection..
in my area, it usually starts during Friday evening and ends during Monday, before evening i think..
it's a pretty easy stage once you have powerful characters, especially the long range type...

NOTE: some of the enemies tend to grow stronger as you repeatedly beat the levels there...

Game Speed

this option is available in the actual Battle area, and it is simple but quite useful..
like you may lower the Game Speed if you are having a hard time with a certain level..
and my favorite is setting it to maximum when you already find it easy to beat a specific level..
it makes grinding for Gold and Treasure Item a lot faster...

Spawn Glitch

i have experienced this with the later Stages, starting from Stage 5..
sometimes when you start your game and enter a Stage, you'll notice that the enemy castle is not dispatching any enemy..
it makes the battle a lot easier because in this case you only have to destroy the enemy castle..
this glitch may only be fixed if you move to another Stage and then you go back..
my advice is, if you are new to a Stage and you want to experience how tough the enemies are, then don't make use of that Spawn Glitch and just restart that Stage..
but if you have already conquered that Stage previously, and you're only there to grind, then there's no reason for you to not abuse the situation...

HP Gauge

a feature that was only added this July 2020..
it helps you keep track of both your characters' and enemies' HP..
previously, they were only providing the HP Gauge for the Bosses...

Treasure Chests

it's a form of reward within the game, where you are given the chance to pick 1 among 3 chests..
when you use the Reward Multiplier, there's a pattern by which the rewards within the chests are shuffled...

there are 3 sources of Treasure Chests:
  • Battle menu (limited number only)
  • Weekly Event
  • PvP

TIP: always use the Reward Multiplier option to gain more from these Treasure Chests...

reward patterns:
  • Battle menu - in most cases, the rewards just shift to the left or to the right, what you need to do is mark the position of the chest with the lowest reward (in my case, that's the Gold, since it's the easiest to earn), so during your second chance to open a chest, just choose the spot where the lowest reward was previously placed, and that will give you a high chance to obtain any of the other 2 remaining rewards (the pattern is not a 100% though)
  • Weekly Event - this is the easiest to determine, what you need to do is memorize what the shuffling pattern is starting from opening your first sets of Treasure Chests, because that pattern will usually recur while you are inside the Event, always use your first try to determine what pattern is being used, then use your second try to get the reward that you are really after
  • PvP - no exact pattern because the content of the 3 chests changes when you use the Reward Multiplier, but a lot of times you may find the Jewels (may differ in quantity) from the same chest spot during your second try


i'm not saying that it's not very important..
but it just happened that it's easier to get this kind of reward while you're playing the game...

Gold is used to purchase or gamble for characters or Castle skills..
it is used to level them up too..
and another very important purpose of it is to pay for the extension of the Reinforcement Limit of a character, which has something to do with the Powerstones..
and you should note that it can be really expensive...

TIP: some character or Castle upgrade may seem pricey..
remember that under Normal Summon, a character or a Castle skill would only be equivalent to 80,000 Gold..
so instead of going beyond that budget, i suggest that you just gamble using the Normal Summon (x10)..
you may not immediately get the upgrade that you want, but you get a chance to acquire Rare characters...

TIP: for the source of Gold..
i grind in Stage 3 - Level 71..
the reward is exactly 41,674 Gold (with all my skills maxed out already)..
i like to farm there because i can beat the level even before my Arrow Cannon's gauge gets full..
i don't even need to use the Reward Multiplier since it is quicker to beat the level compared to watching an advertisement...

Reward Multiplier

this is an online feature of the game..
it allows the player to claim the reward for the second time, whether it is the same item or something that is randomly chosen..
in exchange, the player just have to watch an advertisement..
i usually use this feature to be able to collect more Jewels...

NOTE: in the Weekly Event, you are no longer allowed to use the Reward Multiplier if you get the featured Rare character during your first try...


aside from unlocking and upgrading, you can use this menu to check out your characters' stats..
you won't see the exact stats of your Castle though..
and another very important (advance) function of this menu is for farming and infusing Powerstones...

Limit Break

although both characters and Castle skills have a maximum level (which is 10)..
this game allows them to still go beyond that level so that they can further improve their stats..
currently they can still move up to level 30 or 35, depending on their rarity...

the big Limit Break button doesn't do anything useful, except to give a clue on how the process works..
once your character already reached its maximum level, you will no longer be able to upgrade it by using Gold..
instead, you have to be able to summon that kind of character, then you are given the option to proceed with the upgrade or just trade it for Gold...

Rebirth (Powerstone Farming)

this is the process of downgrading your characters back to level 1..
but in exchange for that, you get to produce Powerstones which you can infuse to your select characters to make them grow even stronger (beyond Limit Break)..
there are 6 types of Powerstones, and the program decides on what type it will produce at random..
a character can undergo effective Rebirth starting from level 11..
the higher the rarity, the more Powerstones it can produce..
under the menu, there's the guide on how many Powerstones can be produced based on the level and rarity of a character...

TIP: only choose the characters that you no longer use in battle..
for the Common characters, Rebirth them once they reach level 30..
remember that going beyond level 30 for Common characters won't produce any additional Powerstone..
for Rare characters, i usually Rebirth only those who are not dependent on a scheduled release once they reach level 11, in exchange for 4 Powerstones..
and for Legend and Super Legend characters, i only Rebirth Odin Spear and Critical Grace since they are the only ones who are regularly available..
i immediately Rebirth them upon reaching level 11, in exchange for 22 Powerstones..
those 2 are the best sources of Powerstones..
don't use Gold to upgrade your Common and Rare characters and just rely on your Normal and Special Summon (x10) to do that job..
alternatively, you can upgrade your characters by using Gold but no need to go beyond the 80,000 Gold budget for each character..
Legend Characters are the only ones which i fully upgrade to level 10 using Gold, since they can only be acquired by spending Jewels...

Setup Army

this option allows you to organize the characters that you can use for battle..
a player is only allowed to dispatch 10 kinds of characters, that is regardless of their rarity..
the positioning will determine who shall be immediately available for summoning during battle(s)..
your 10 characters are divided into the first 5 and the second 5, but you can always switch between them by swiping up or down..
the special property of this menu is that it easily keeps track of the total number of characters that you have already acquired...

there's a limit on how many characters you can summon during battle (you may summon the same kind of character multiple times)..
i am not a 100% sure, but i tried counting and it seems the limit is 30...

Castle (Castle Skills)

these are passive skills which are helpful in battle..
currently the maximum level for each of them is 35...

Treasure Skills

these are further upgrades mostly associated with the Castle Skills..
i actually find this game feature very interesting, because it provides a great variety of boost depending on what you have already collected..
it requires a certain set of Treasure Items to be completed before the corresponding skill is activated..
a specific kind of Treasure Item can be obtained as a reward by beating their corresponding level..
but the item may vary in terms of rarity; Common (if i'm not mistaken), Rare, and Legend..
the lower the rarity, the lower the boost that the skill can provide..
so in order to unlock the 100% boost, the player is required to get the Legend version of all the Treasure Items that are required for a Treasure Skill...

in addition, each stage of Kingdom Wars allows the player to collect a new set of Treasure Items..
that means players are given multiple opportunities to boost the same type of Castle Skills, as well as other skills...

in my own estimate, the drop rate for Treasure Items is like:
  • 40% None
  • 30% Common
  • 20% Rare
  • 10% Legend

as you can see, they are not too hard to collect, coz the drop rate is still generous as compared to other games..
players are not strictly required to acquire a Treasure Item starting from Common, to Rare, and then to Legend..
you can actually get an item with higher rarity without the need to obtain the lesser versions..
once you already obtained an item of a certain level of rarity, its drop rate seems to be added to that of None..
also, once you managed to get a Treasure Item with higher rarity, you will no longer encounter its lesser version..
so for example, you initially acquire a level's Rare Treasure Item, then there will be no more Common item from that level..
and if you manage to initially get the Legend Treasure Item, then that's great news coz you no longer have to grind in that level...

TIP: in my case, i don't continuously grind to get a Legend Treasure Item, because it's useless if the other slots are still empty..
what i do is just play each level until i get any version of the Treasure Item..
i initially go through all 75 levels just to activate all the Treasure Skills..
after that, i'll repeat the task to try to upgrade all my Treasure Items into Rare at least..
and then another round to finally upgrade them all to Legend...

TIP: while fighting each Boss level, always evaluate if you can already beat that level with ease..
once you are sure about that, retry that level and use the Treasure Hunter support skill so you can easily obtain its Legend Treasure Item...

here's my personal ranking of the Treasure Skills:

Legendary Sword of God..
this is my favorite since the damage is the most noticeable change to a character..
the higher the damage, the faster you can beat a level...

Armor of the Brave..
initially, the HP is your characters best form of defense in this game..
and this is the way to improve it..
high damage will mean nothing if your characters will only die easily...

Special Arrow Cannon..
the Arrow Cannon is an active support skill during battle..
it damages all enemy characters that are present in the battlefield once activated, but it has a cooldown time..
in my case, i always go for reducing that cooldown time since i am more interested in the Arrow Cannon's knock back property...

Alloy Arrowhead..
it increases the Arrow Cannon's damage, and that is very useful in the PvP arena...

Pocket of Merchant..
honestly, this is something which i failed to observe properly..
i went for it because i was grinding for Gold..
but something i noticed when i was already done with all the stages is, if you try to grind in some levels, it will initially reward you with great amount of Gold, but as you repeat the process the reward will be reduced each time you beat that level..
i noticed it, because i have marked some easy levels where i initially got 50,000 to 60,000 plus Gold..
but it didn't last long, and their rewards got reduced to as low as 30,000 plus only..
and that's how i ended up with Stage 3 - Level 71 method...

Refined Warehouse..
Food is the requirement in order to be able to summon characters during battle, but it is produced automatically..
this skill will allow you to accommodate high level characters who consume a lot of Food, as well as to keep up with the speed when you enhance your Food production..
in addition, the Food storage capacity can be upgraded during battle...

Authentic Agriculture Manual..
this is the skill that speeds up the Food production process...

Ledger of Millionare (or should it be Millionaire?)..
another Food-related skill..
it seems to increase the Food that you can loot from your fallen enemies..
you can clearly see its effect once you already have powerful characters on your side...

Authentic Strategy Manual..
it reduces the cooldown time, or maybe it speeds it up, so you can summon the same kind of character quicker..
it's not my priority coz i can always summon a different character while waiting for the cooldown timer...

Holy Shield..
this improves your Castle's HP, which is equivalent to its defense..
this is the last on my list (for the initial batch) since my characters are enough to defend the Castle..
and if my characters are not yet strong enough, then that means that my Castle will also die anyway...

Reinforcement Book for the Holy Shield..
a Treasure Skill found in the later stages (replacing a skill from earlier stages)..
this is a very useful skill in the PvP arena..
what it does is to increase the damage that the consumable Holy Shield support skill can withstand, and that's my favorite support skill for PvP...

Magic Book for the Tornado..
a Treasure Skill found in the later stages (replacing a skill from earlier stages)..
it extends the duration of the consumable Tornado support skill...

Reinforcement Book for the Thor's Hammer..
a Treasure Skill found in the later stages (replacing a skill from earlier stages)..
it increases the consumable Thor's Hammer support skill's damage...

Reinforcement Book for the Mister Mortar..
a Treasure Skill found in the later stages (replacing a skill from earlier stages)..
it increases the attack of the artillery support named Mister Mortar..
but he is currently useless for PvP...

Support Skills

these are consumable passive skills which a player can use in the Battle menu, with some also being enabled within the Weekly Event..
they have human icons..
although being passive, you need to activate them before you start a certain level for them to take effect..
there are 3 types; 1 that gives 100% drop rate for Legend Treasure Item, 1 that let's you start a level with maximum food storage, and 1 that provides artillery support named Mister Mortar...

but among the 3, i think the Treasure Hunter is the only one who is very useful..
i mean, you can survive any level in the game without using the other 2 support skills..
but using the Treasure Hunter is a good way to immediately acquire a Legend Treasure Item from Boss levels..
remember that you can only activate a specific Treasure Skill, if you have already gained at least a Common Treasure Item for each of its slots..
and for the later Boss levels, starting from Stage 5, you should know that it takes a lot of time to beat them..
so what more if you're gonna repeat that process..?
so by using the aid of the Treasure Hunter, you are guaranteed to receive a Treasure Item if you beat the Boss level, and it just happened that it's already in the Legend form...


lastly (for now), here are some hints regarding the bosses...

Stage 1 (Flashare, i believe)..
he's not much of a threat...

Stage 2 (i just call them The Vikings)..
the trio is quite sturdy for this stage of the game..
better upgrade all your Castle skills, Treasure Skills, and primary characters to their maximum before facing them...

Stage 3 A (a black dragon)..
he is just one of the bosses in this stage...

Stage 3 B (the main antagonist of the story)..
he will appear after you have beaten the black dragon..
as you can see, there is a glitch when i replayed this level, and i had to fight against 2 or 3 copies of this big dragon...

Stage 4 (Yeti)..
a Yeti but without his ice property yet..
he can do splash damage, so never waste Food on summoning melee attackers..
what you need to do is just use 1 HP type melee character to prevent him from advancing, and use long range characters as your main attackers..
take note of the proper timing of when to summon a replacement HP type character before the other one dies..
the enemies started to have their own version of Mister Mortar starting from this stage (i call it the Goblin Mortar)...

Stage 5 (my favorite enemy Boss' design)..
what you'll notice here is the significant increase in the Boss' HP..
strong long range characters are good against him...

Stage 6 (The Monk)..
this is a tricky Boss level, coz he hates flying or floating type of characters..
i actually had to read a guide to figure out what's behind his insane Castle-killing laser skill..
just remember that you shouldn't summon any character that floats above the ground, and that includes Ares...

Stage 7 (bigger Yeti)..
the entire stage has a special effect for slowing down your characters because of the snow..
just use the same strategy from Stage 4...

i actually got lucky when i first encountered this Boss level..
coincidentally, the Spawn Glitch was activated that time, so i only had to deal with Yeti and the Goblin Mortar..
but Critical Grace was my only long range character in the team during that moment, so it took a long while to finish the level..
because of that, i was able to immediately proceed to Stage 8...

Stage 8 (Mecha Dragon)..
i believe he is the main antagonist, just mechanized this time..
the entire stage also has a special effect, the Famine, so the production of Food is decreased and i believe it can also slow down your characters..
i don't remember him being a problem for me though...

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