Sunday, August 5, 2012

Non-Star Wars - Mini-Gundam

i guess i'll be featuring my other collections for the meantime..
and today, i'm going to show you my mini-Gundam collection..
i find them cute and a lot cheaper (very cheap actually) compared to actual Gundam model figures..

Gundam Force - Cross Worlds..
these are the heroes from different dimensions..

Gundam Force..
the unit in the rightmost section is unpainted, but i still decided to include it in the pictorial..

Gundam Elemental Knights..
the figure at the center lost its original head ornament so i replaced it with an improvised metallic material..

Samurai Gundam..
the paint used on the head ornament tends to fade (a similar painting material was used on 2 of the knight Gundam shown above) T,T..

 Zaku Army..
the villains..

Zaku Master (at the top center) with Fallen Gundam Trinity (one from the modern world, one from the medieval world, and one from the samurai world)..

Zaku Master with his Generals..

Zaku Master with his Ace Guards..

Zaku Gunners..

Gundam Destroyer..
it's not really a Gundam but a part of a different toy line which i'm not familiar with..
i thought it looks monstrous in form so i decided to include it in my story and collection..
it serves as the ultimate weapon of the Zaku Army..

these are not all that i have for my mini-Gundam set..
i still have some unpainted units, and because of that i decided not to include them in the pictorial...^_^

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