Friday, January 3, 2014

October 2013 Update - Infiltration Units, Etc.

sorry for the late update..
my very own computer went down even before I could post this particular collection update a few months ago..
but anyway, here's what's new back then...


Mouse (in Stormtrooper disguise)..
a Duros agent in the Rebel Alliance..
a specialist for demolition and sabotage...

Duros (or occasionally Durosians) are humanoid species native to the planet Duro..
years before the formation of the Republic, the Duros colonized the planet Neimoidia, giving rise to a genetically distinct "newer version" of Duros called the Neimoidians..
the Neimoidians retained many similarities to their Duros cousins including basic form, noseless faces, and green skin (though Neimoidians tended to be grayer)..
however, in contrast to their ancestors, Neimoidians possessed pupils that split horizontally, lumpy foreheads, and perpetually frowning mouths..
in addition, Neimoidians tended to be cowardly, greedy and fearful of death, whereas the average Duro was adventurous, gregarious and peaceful..
not surprisingly, one of the most powerful insults among the Duros was to be called a 'Neimoidian'...

here's a comparative view of a Duros and a Neimoidian..
the noticeable difference being on their facial or head structure...

Basso (in Stormtrooper disguise)..
a member of the Rebel Alliance from the planet of Ralltiir...

originally, i bought the Comic Pack in which these first 2 units are included..
first, because of the Neimoidian-like protagonist, Mouse (coz i've always thought that Neimoidians are bad species, without knowing about the Duros specie before)..
and second, because this is the Comic Pack variation where Basso gets a Sandtrooper pauldron...


Barriss Offee..
a Mirialan Jedi Knight, from the planet of Mirial..
she trained as a padawan under Jedi Master Luminara Unduli..
she's a skilled Jedi Healer..
and a practitioner of Form III: Soresu, also known as the Way of the Mynock, or The Resilience Form, which is the third of the seven classic forms of lightsaber combat that was recognized by the Jedi Council prior to and during the Clone Wars..
Soresu was developed during the widespread emergence of blasters as an offensive weapon..
essentially a development on Form I blast-deflect training, Soresu relied on tight bladework and subtle dodges to provide maximum defensive coverage, minimizing exposure to ranged weaponry..
over time, Soresu transcended this basic origin, and came to be considered the ultimate expression of non-aggressive Jedi philosophy...

Barriss Offee actually had a bad record as a Jedi..
so i'll just use her as a Jedi Padawan like Ahsoka Tano...

here's a comparative view between Barriss Offee and an old sculpt of her master Luminara Unduli...


Clone Trooper Officer (Captain)..
this is a First Generation Clone Trooper..
there are clone trooper armors which are marked with color-coded flashes..
at the beginning of the Clone Wars, the colors signify rank (yellow for commanders, red for captains, blue for lieutenants, and green for sergeants)..
by the end of the war, the flashes come to identify specialized units such as the Galactic Marines and Shock Troopers...


Lt. Dannyl Faytonni..
a con artist from the planet of Corellia, and friend of Achk Med-Beq..
he originally aspired to serve the Republic as an officer, but was conned into fronting a phony spice mine by a changeling..
on the run from the law, he decided to make a living as a con artist and teamed up with his inventive friend Achk Med-Beq..
they set off across the galaxy, gambling and conning their way to Coruscant..
upon reaching the galactic capital, the partners in crime were arrested and detained at CoCo Penitentiary, but not for long..
they made a newsworthy escape from the prison, and set up shop in the Outlander Club, where they constantly hunted and pecked for "marks"...

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