Friday, April 12, 2013

The Long Box

well, still no update here regarding my collection..
besides, i haven't sold anything from my ebay store yet.. (poor me) T,T
so i don't have extra money to buy miscellaneous units...

here's a new box that i made last March 21 (if i'm not mistaken)..
i decided to throw out some old college books from my cabinet, to make some space for more Star Wars action figures...

i call it a long box, coz it's quite long..>,<
just like my other custom and handmade boxes, this is made out of illustration board material..
the black (or colored) side of the illustration board has a tendency of losing its color and staining anything that gets near it and of course we wouldn't want it to ruin the color of our beloved toy collection (especially the troopers' white armor >,<), so to avoid that i always cover the interior (the base, the sides, and even the top) of the box with plain, white typewriting paper..
this has a dimension of 7 x 11 x 5(height) inches..
and it can hold up to more than 50 Star Wars 3 & 3/4 inch action figures of the average size..
but this box is not yet complete..
i still need to look for a Star Wars logo (preferably one from the blue or red Legacy Collection), a Hasbro logo, and maybe a bar code, so it can look like my very first starbox...

boxes are quite useful for me..
because i'm not the type of collector who would just let the action figure rest inside their packaging for eternity and accumulate monetary value..
every time i buy a new unit, i'm always excited to take it out from its packaging..
i wipe or brush them (coz sometimes even if they are sealed they still accumulate some dirt), i check for paint job error(s) (which i think is just normal for mass-produced toys), and i also check if their points of articulation are working fine or are in perfect fit (which can sometimes lead to a disaster, in my case, i broke the hands of 2 of my AT-RT Drivers in the process of inspecting them, i managed to glue them back but i'll never turn those hands again coz i'm afraid that i might break them again)..
after the inspection and after each pictorial, that is when i need my boxes, so i can re-store my units to protect them from dirt and from fading until the time when they finally have a decent gallery...

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